Name: Rev. Metropolitan Martredeaux Durranis, Ph.D.
Age: 19 (actually is 49,274 years old)
Blood Type: AB
Place of Birth: Chalmers Times, Michigan, USA, Earth
Ht/Wt: 5'11, 175
Current Residence: Detroit, Michigan
Date of Birth: April 9, 1979
Occupation(s): Bus driver, psychologist, spiritualist, healer
Hobbies: Traveling, video games, jazz, creative writing
Favorite food: Pizza
Least favorite food: Salad
Favorite school subject: Math
Least favorite school subject: Social Studies
Strengths: Navigation, Energy summon, absorption, and powerful release
Weaknesses: You find out!

Metropolitan liked to help people. He is basically a very "down-to-earth" youth officer. Speaking of officer, he is also an ROTC officer, sharpshooter rifleman, bus driver, and electrical expert.

Formerly as Middlebelt Flynn-Somerset Durranis, he had did a lot of healing deeds, especially when he healed a person who was dying, on Bresco and 33 Mile Road. He was told that he had a divine spirit inside him, and he had wondered. Then, after moving to Detroit, he had healed one of the Starlights, Yaten Kou, in Jarreswood Township, after taking a break from his bus route, and had became one of the Starlights, as the Sailor Starhealer. Oddly to say, the Starhealer's move, the Star Sensitive Inferno, was fired by him BEFORE he became a Starlight....and they told him that he had a holy spirit inside of him, and he was astonished! However, there had been some onfusion about the Starhealer when Yaten had his powers reagined, so he had became the Eternal Starhealer and also had different color fuku (uniform) than the Starhealer so that Metropolitan would not be mistaken for Yaten. But Metropolitan helps the Starlights anyway.

Metropolitan is a very powerful energy master who uses energy for different reasons. As himself, he is a healer, using powerful energy to help in healing others. He is also a sorcerer, using energy-based chants for both healing and for blasting enemies. His healing is very effective. As the Sailor Starhealer, he can use his energy in firing the Star Sensitive Inferno, and now has two more moves that uses the Star Sensitive Inferno as part of his arsenal of powerful blasts. (See the Eternal Starhealer link on the bottom of the page. And also, he can concentrate on his energies to fire very powerful laserbeams, and have laser blasts that are very powerful to use on enemies and things that are hard to destroy! Metropolitan's laserbeams will do the job! Now, on 2-3-99, all of those powers can be done as one person: ETERNAL STARHEALER! ((However, it seems that Metropolitan might have gone off of his healer tradition about not fighting, but had to be broken due to what happened on 1-26-99 through 1-29-99. (See bottom.) The points below is the energy level of Metropolitan. Metropolitan also needs enough points to use his special move.

The C-Life

I don't have much of a c-family, but I can tell you about it.
-I am c-single again. *pout*
-My c-bros is shinjinthemessia, Oronde Jarratta, and Cool James.
-My c-sisses are sparkle_13, Selena Fox Saturn Wolf, Sailor Butterfly the Enchanting, sakurachan2, venus2869, Princess_Rune_Venus, Loni_Katherine_Carter, and Sweet Serenite.
-My c-cousins are Deed the Elf and Onyxcresent.
-I am the father of Lady Werewolf, AKA Setsuna Karma Pluto, and Sailor Twilight Star.
-My very close friends are Zoisite, Dark Animeman, and Sailor Star Twin.

In addition, I am member of certain groups (usually as a healer because of my divine energy powers):
-Clan of the Highlanders (leader is tenshi_clan)
-The Iczer Warriors
-Clan of the Gods of War
-The Omega Eternals (as Light Eternal)
-Part of the Crescent Castle
-The Sailor Starlights (I am the leader)(Look down)

Roleplaying Status, Metropolitan Durranis (Updated March 9, 1999)

**NOTE: If Metropolitan uses the Doomsday Crystal, all attributable points will be 40X.

Fighting: - 5
Vitality: 68
Soul: 161
Ki and other Energy:7400
Intelligence: 72
Defense: 44
Experience: 201
Self-Esteem: 40

Updates on Middlebelt/Metropolitan Durranis

1-15-99 - Something really happened. Middlebelt had became the Sailor Star Healer, and a disruption of his powers had happen. The disruption made Middlebelt lose all of his powers with four hours of transforming into the Sailor Star Healer. At 3:19 PM eastern time, Middlebelt lost his powers, and had to go back into bus driving again. When Middlebelt drode the Route 350 Greenfield, a few of his friends went on, to comfort his depression of losing his healer powers. One came along with a Spirit Crystal. One decided to drive the bus for him as he reflect on what he should do to save the world. yet, on reflecting, Greenfield Road got very bumpy, the Spirit crystal stabbed Middlebelt in the heart, and vanished into a flash of white light on 45 Mile and Greenfield. Then, when he came back, Middlebelt became an even powerful healer-officer, known as Kou-teiden (Lightwave) Spirithealer Middlebelt Durranis. There are things that the Kou-teiden Spirithealer can do that the Saikou-chi Spirithealer can't do either.

1-25-99/1-26-99 - Middlebelt Durranis was in with the war on what was with for SMS chat. What happened is that Middlebelt, Sailor Star Healer, ordered Star Twin to stop. Then all of a sudden, Star Twin shot Middlebelt with his Star Crescent Laser. Middlebelt was hurt, but Ritenour Karschnick took him over to Lilley and Riverview. From theer, Ritenour felt the energy that it was almost time for Durranis to leave the planet if nobo dy helped him. And from that, Ritenour raged revenge on Star Twin. That next day, after hearing the story from Ritenour, All of the Sailor Senshi had agreed to help Durranis. It took three trips before Durranis was better, and to be even more uplifted, Middlebelt had saved one of the Senshi from death by focusing on the Triforce and it's love power, along with his healing power, to release the Demon inside Greek God Ares. Then Greek God Ares was killed. More explanatoin on the Star Healer - Star Twin incident on the page of Ritenour Karschnick.

1-27-99 to 1-29-99 - Middlebelt had held emotional pains when he could not do anything when Sailor Star Twin blasted him, and destroyed bus 7717, the official Starlights bus. So, now, he has this extreme anger inside, but does not want to let it all out on Star Twin because of the forgiveness. Middlebelt is a very powerful expert in firing energy lasers, so he made the Star Tri-Laserbeam Superblast, a move that fires three powerful energy laser beams, and can destroy a lot...depending on how much energy is focused on the lasers. Another move, the Star Energy Laserburst is the most powerful laser blast that Middlebelt has ever fired....he must focus that energy very powerfully to become the most powerful laser blast ever! From 10 up to 60 powerful laser beams at one time, this is only when Middlebelt has kept so much anger at once inside of himself...and yes that happens very little for Durranis! So, when that happens, he becomes the Sailor Star Laserblaster!

2-3-99 - Middlebelt did not like the idea of having to change into different people to use since there are two many kind of powers that he have, so he decided to become the Eternal Starhealer, and use all of his powers, his laser powers, his Starhealer powers, and his healing powers, all by changing into the Eternal Starhealer. (See link of Eternal Starhealer below.)

2-6-99 - Middlebelt is now sometimes called Metropolitan now, and he also has a Ph.D. now. Also, his laser moves are more powerful, with a few more beamlasers added in Dr. Durranis's arsenal. And as you can tell, the page has been moved and revamped!

2-22-99/2-23-99 - WBS took a long time for Metropolitan to get in. He made his own chatroom so that he can get people in there as well.

2-24-99 - Metropolitan told of the whole chatroom about his depression and also getting RPS (Role-play Syndrome, when nobody lets him in the RP action.) Well, many have helped, and one person, Xardion, had decided to help. Shinobi came in and made the uplifting for him going through training to see if he can last through one of Metropolitan's very powerful beams. Metropolitan passed the power test because the laser was too powerful for Shinobi. Metro earned 120 chi points! ^_^

2-25-99 - Good grief! Metropolitan has more training, this time on the Omega powers, by Chot-Es-Kalin. He learned several moves, and was told a few things about it. But then, Metropolitan was made First Prince! WHOA! What's next for our "Omega Starhealer"?

2-26-99 - OK, Power level report! Ali had tested out her scouter on Metropolitan to see what his power level is. Well, Ali said: 2,000. Metropolitan wondered, "2,000?" Ali explained about powerful saiyans with that much power. ACK! Metropolitan isn't even a saiyan! *giggle*

2-27-99 - Could we ask what Metropolitan is up to now? Well, Xardion shows him a new power that Xardion doesn't needs, but might be useful for Metropolitan. it is called the Doomsday Blast, a powerful beam that combines the firer's inner energies/powers with the universal energies. That is the NEW beam for the Eternal Sailor Starhealer. xardion says it is like the Eternal Laser, except it concentrates more on very powerful universal energies....creating the most powerful beam in the universe! ACK! He also gave Metropolitan a Doomsday Crystal for power increase. Yeeeeeeeech....all of that power just to uplift Metropolitan?????

2-28-99 - After an entire month of being depressed during the L'Anse Creuse incident, Metropolitan is considered relieved of that depression...and for him to release his anger energies if he think something depressing is coming inside. (To all who don't know, Metropolitan releases his anger energies into a very powerful laser beam, mainly anyone of the powerful beams in the Moves division of the Eternal Starhealer Page.

3-4-99 - Metropolitan had lost his 43rd straight sparring match, this time against Princess Alexandrite. It was very hard for him to get uplifted, until Xardion came in and gave him the Doomsday Crystal. Now as he gets more powerful, his self-esteem increases.

3-5-99 - Metropolitan did win his first sparring match against Onyxcrescent, but still, his record is 1-43-7. ICK! Even though his self-esteem was raised 44 points, when the more powerful characters started coming in, it went down the same 44. ICK!

3-7-99 - Well, Tatyana15 has broken up with Metropolitan. I wonder what the other person had that Metropolitan didn't? Was it that he was a better person (fighting-wise) than Metropolitan?? Oh well, Metropolitan's self-esteem level is now at -40 after this.

3-8-99 - After doing a healing, Golem Eternal invited Metropolitan as the new Light Eternal, part of the Omega Eternals. Light Eternal is basically a healing-based person, and that's Metropolitan's specialty...basically. Self-esteem rises to a plus, the first plus since January! :)

Durranis, Leader of the Starlights

Durranis is also the leader of the Sailor Starlights, now being known as the Eternal Starhealer.. The Starlights RP page cane be seen by clicking on the Sailor Starlights.

Sailor Starlights

Eternal Sailor Starhealer

The Eternal Sailor Starhealer combines all of Metropolitan's powers, the Spirithealer's, the Sailor Starhealer's, and the Star Laserblaster's, plus with a new sorcery language of his own, to make a very powerful Star Healer known as the Eternal Sailor Starhealer. Click on the Eternal Starhealer for the info.

Eternal Starhealer

To email Metropolitan

Email Metro Durranis, or I love to get email to talk about role-play healers.

Find me in the Sailor Moon Soldiers, Anime, or Dragondale City chat at WBS! See you there!

-Metropolitan Durranis

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