Eternal Starhealer

From heaven above I fight and heal to defend humanity from evil I am Eternal Sailor Starhealer...Make Up!
-Metropolitan Martredeaux Durranis, Ph.D., Eternal Sailor Starhealer

How Metro Became the Eternal Sailor Starhealer

Metro Durranis, formerly Middlebelt, the Sailor Starhealer, was trying to do his duty by helping his friends, but Sailor Star twin had blasted him, and he was left there, with hours to die, and with NONE of the senshi to help him. Even though he was healed by Ritenour Karschnick, the anger and grudge was left in his soul. There was only one statement said in regards to this, by Ritenour Karschnick, "Release it, Starhealer. Let loose your anger energies. there's no reason of keeping it in if none of the senshi have done anything to help you on it."

During a drive on his bus...Valdis Rune, a friend of Metro's, came on, with the Eternal Crystal of Energy. However, Valdis tripped over, and the crystal stabbed metropolitan in the heart, letting loose massive and very strong energies, and Metropolitan had disappeared!

When Metro came back, he came more powerful than ever, as the new Eternal Sailor Starhealer! Metro, as the Eternal Starhealer, can do all of the moves of the regular Sailor Starhealer, the Kou-tieden Spirithealer, and the Sailor Star Laserblaster in one powerful call. He can heal people, and use his Star Sensitive Inferno and Super Star Sensitive Inferno, and his powerful energy laser blasts.

The Eternal Sailor Starhealer's Uniforms

The Red Uniform: This is the regular uniform of the Eternal Starhealer. In this uniform, Metropolitan can use his the Metro Healing Activation, the Star Sensitive Inferno/Star Sensitive Super Inferno, and the Star Metro Superbeam as well. Also he can do a moderate amount of fighting in this uniform (Effective 3-10-99, the Red Uniform is known as the Doomsday Uniform, where powerful laser beams beyond Stage 7 can be fired without going to Overload.)

The Blue Uniform: This is the pure healer uniform, where basically healing moves are used. No fighting is done in this uniform. Also, Metropolitan uses this uniform as a bus driver, so if anybody gets hurt, Metropolitan will heal them in an instant. Moves associated with this uniform are the Star Energy Healing Beam and the Eternal Healing Release. (Effective 3-10-98, the Blue uniform can be used for fighing. The Spiritual White Uniform (not shown) is the only uniform that fighting moves cannot be manuevered.)

The Eternal Purple Uniform: This is a very powerful uniform! His most powerful healing move, the Eternal Healing Release, is the healing move that can be used! This is also the only uniform that the Eternal Laser can be used at! All laser moves can be used on this uniform..and in this uniform, if fighting is needed, the fighting there is! Basically, all moves, and the Eternal Laser, can be used on this uniform.

Eternal Angel Uniform / Laser Power Amplification Uniform: The power of flight is in this uniform! That means that Metropolitan can fly in this uniform! (Duh! That was obvious!) And this is the only uniform that Metropolitan's newest and most powerful laser, the Eternal Doomsday Laser can be used in. (Because this powerful laser has massive, strong universal energies, it can only be used in a special dimension, where very, very powerful lasers can be fired, and nobody gets killed.) Plus, in this uniform, all of the lasers that he uses can increase in power by focusing on the strong energies. That means that some of his lasers can be as strong as some of the more powerful and devaststing strong energy lasers, if he focuses and concentrates on the energy powerful enough.

Speaking of Anger Energies... better watch that rage level of Starhealer's (It will be on this page). The more anger energy he has, the more powerful his lasers will be. He is already a master of firing the most powerful laser beams ever...making it more powerful than what power it already has? Oh my! Just make sure that he does not go over 200!

Eternal Sailor Starhealer's Move List (Revised 3-15-99)

The Moves have been revamped again, this time the stage determines the power of the moves. For example, if the Eternal Laser Release was powered up to Stage 25, then it would be pretty powerful and destructive. The stages are the amount of power and healing/destructive energy that each move has. There are healing moves and there are energy attacks/lasers. Each has parameters of stages (except some of the extremely powerful moves). That means, if the Eternal Healing Release can go only up to Stage 10, it cannot be powered up to Stage 13. The Stages are below, and the moves and the parameters are below.

The Stages

Stages 1-17: Mode A, little damage. Healing done used for minor wounds.
Stages 18-40: Mode BN, moderate damage, can destroy a building or 2. Healing 44%-50%. moderate to devastating injuries.
Stages 41-66: Mode L: medium to high damage, 7 buildings or more if posible. Healing near or at 100%. Very devastating injuries to deadly.
Stages 67-95: Mode X: High damage, a city or 2. Killer moves.
Over Stage 96: Mode XXX: EXTREMELY HIGH damage....from cities to planets and anything can be possible. Best to stay away from. Metropolitan if that happens. All Ragus/Doomsday Moves are WAY beyond Stage 300.

The Moves and Stage Parameters

Star Sensitive Inferno: Min: 1, Max: 11
Sorcerer Freeze Blast: Min: 1, Max: 14
Metro Healing Activation: Min: 1, Max: 11
Star Energy Laserbeam: Min: 2, Max: 21
Star Energy Healing Beam: Min: 4, Max: 25
Star Field Release: Min: 1, Max: 33
Sonic Laser Smash: Min: 3, Max: 41
Sorcerer Energy Storm: Min: 6, Max: 39
Tri-Laser Superblast: Min: 5, Max: 40
Eternal Healing Release: Min: 9, Max: 51
Star Invisibility: Min: 6, Max: 33
Star Beamspread Release: Min: 9, Max: 48
Shatterer Beamcannon: Min: 11, Max: 63
Star Laser Inferno: Min: 10, Max: 59
Eternal Laser Release: Min: 17, Max: 77
Eternal Meltdown Superlaser: Min: 25, Max: 89
Omega Laser Star Shatterer Supercannon: Min: 87, Max:235
Eternal Destruction Megalaser: Min: 91, Max:316
Golden Inner Hyper Cosmo Shadow Thunderphoton Meltdown Ion Ki Plasma Essence Explosion Ultrabeam Cannonlaser: Min:102, Max:???

Power Overload

Proved on 3-10-99, with an energy-based spar with The Sonic Kid, Power Overload is when the laser beam increases uncontrollably in power and size for a certain period of time. At that time, a 100-mile crater was made. If Eternal Starhealer goes into Overload again, there's no telling how big and how devastating that laser beam can be!!

Current Anger Energies Level: 37

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Pic on the top is pic of the Ragus/Overload Neon Super Doomsday Starhealer. For more about this devastating Starhealer, please email Doomsday.