Plymouth Finklestins is a c-fighter from Maplewood, Michigan. He was trained in Shotokan Karate under Shotokan Master Dreydinsky Finklestins. Before Plymouth became kind-hearted, he was 61-9 in the fighting tournament, in third place.

When the "Maplewood Mauler" left Maplewood, his c-fighting days were over. Many had never seen Plymouth after that win over Barcus Siaford.

Plymouth's cousin, Findlay Finklestins, came to Detroit, Plymouth's new residence, to see what was going on with him. (Findlay was the other Shotokan Master.) When Findlay found out about Plymouth's loss of interest in fighting, Findlay said, "Soon, Plymouth, the next Shotokan Master will be he one who used to c-fight a lot."
"Wait a sec....," Plymouth said, "that's me. But but but but........"
"I know what you mean, Plymouth. But soon someone will have to teach the tradition of the Finklestins to your cousin, Farschollis Finklestins. Remember, Plymouth, if I die, you will be the next Shotokan Master." (Findlay left, and Plymouth sighed at himself.)

Two days later, at the Sierra Leone Hospital, Plymouth was there in the hospital with Findlay, who was diagnosed with a virus that caused a 55 minute death, unfortunantely, Plymouth did not know that he was in there for 53 1/2 minutes. "Findlay, I will go back into the Fighting competition, but what about the.......(he sighs) attacks???"
"All you have to do is........" The 55 minutes were up. Findlay died. "Findlay? Findlay??" Then the doctor told Plymouth that his hart stopped and everything stopped, and that Findlay died. "FINDLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" Then he sighed. "I can't go back into the tournament without energy attacks. I have noticed now that 99% of the fighters have energy attacks. I can't use Middlebelt's Saikou-chi powers, I will be breaking the code of the Saikou Jacifi. What will I do????"

Everything started getting worse, as Plymouth has to go represent the Finklestins as the Shotokan Fighter again. However, he lost six matches in a row, due to the fact that he doesn't have any energy attacks. His last opponent he lost to, Charles Bardenwood, said, "Plymouth! It has been a long time since I have seen you. You used to win a lot. But the reason you are losing now is because you don't have any energy attacks. You need some to get caught up, Plymouth."
"But how?" Plymouth asked. "How how how HOW?!" Charles had left, and Plymouth went walking Chesterfield Road.

It was 6 PM, and Plymouth was on Chesterfield Road and Metropolitan Highway, when suddenly, the Spirit of Findlay approached him. "Master Plymouth!" Findlay said.
Plymouth gulped. "Eep.....Findlay???"
"Yes, it is me, Shotokan Master. Inside you heart are powers that none have never heard before. And no, it is not the Saikou-chi powers either. You will have to meditate for some hours to feel your powers. You might have to go to a trance just like Middlebelt did. After that, try to concentrate on summoning these powers from inside. From that, you wil feel that power, and will find out about youe powerful energy attacks. Remember that you are powerful beyond measure, Plymouth! Good luck, Master Plymouth." Findlay vanished.

Plymouth meditated for 91 hours, and through a trance, was posesed with the powers of the Chai-si-baikuki, a powerful energy force used for Shotokan Master Officers. With his imagination and some self-trained summoning techniques, he can integrate super energy attacks that are incredibly powerful. There are, some things about this. Plymouth's rage and energy levels have to be high enough. However, there are some bad things about this. If his rage is higher than 234, Plymouth will have the Darkheart Rage, and will be "Darkheart Finklestins". Some said that he can be this deadly. We see why Plymouth keeps kind-hearted!!

Now you know the journey of the Finklestins' Shotokan Master Energy Officer, Plymouth Finklestins.

Roleplaying Status: Plymouth Finklestins
Vitality: 33
Rage: 20
Healing: 0
Comb. Energy: 35
Intelligence: 39
Concentration: 31
Magic: 1
Experience: 34

Special Powers:


