My Profile

Hello, I am Reverend Aaron J. Wilburn, Jr. I live in Detroit, Michigan. I'm 19, born on April 9, 1979. My hobbies are traveling, meditating, writing, listening to jazz, video games, cartoons, spirituality, and of course, anime. (Well, I just started to get in that.)

What's with me and anime? Well, first I had heard about the Sailor Moon and anime chats in WBS. I usually hang in the Christian, Pagan, Teen, or Spirituality chats, but my friends here at Wayne State University told me about the Sailor Moon Soldiers and Anime chats. Then, it came when I heard about Sailor Starhealer back when I wanted to make a Sailor Healer. Someone told me that there was a Sailor Star Healer. One thing that I asked is that if Sailor Star Healer had any "healing" moves. It seemed that after looking at the profile of Sailor Starhealer (Yaten Kou), it seemed not, only that Star Sensitive Inferno. So, I decided to make a few things different. One, I made Middlebelt Durranis before that time. He was an actual healer who just liked to heal people, no fighting or swords or anything. (Sounds kinda boring, eh?) Well, after hearing that, I decided to edit a few things about the Sailor Starhealer and Middlebelt Durranis, my character. Middlebelt would be the Sailor Star Healer, and that name would be a catch because Middlebelt actualy has "healing" moves. Also, I like seing lasers, in certain cartoons and in my visualizations, so I decide to add something else to Middlebelt, the ability to fire powerul laserbeams from the hands. In my visualizations, that feels and sounds very powerful! Plus, there are other moves and powers that he has, and he can do it all as being the Eternal Star Healer! See the moves list on this page. So, energy moves, lasers, healing moves, that Star Sensitive Inferno, well, there's your new Starhealer - MIDDLEBELT DURRANIS!

Now how did I come up with those strange names? Well, Plymouth and Middlebelt are actually two street names over in the Detroit area. They intersect, and is the location of one of my favorite malls, Wonderland Mall, in Livonia, Michigan. I actually live near Plymouth Road, but no where close to Middlebelt Road. Ritenour is the name of one of my favorite jazz artists, Lee Ritenour. Lourendon Rippington was the name of one of my former makings, the Inferno Officer, which I made in 1995-1997 when I was an actual officer (Ensign-Lieutenant Commander) In junior ROTC (Navy) in high school. Well, there isn't any difference now because as Sailor Pyrokinetic, he still controls that fiery energy he did back in '95. Now with making Middlebelt's name Metropolitan, a funny name for a name, I will see if many will know his true power!

When I RP, I also put visualization (IRL) in what is going to happen the next day. Say for instance, someone destroyed my bus. The night, I go home and think of a way to get powerful revenge, basically, that will increase my rage level, qualifying me to use my powerful laserbeams. maybe one of those powerful energylasers might do the job for me. And that is how I do it sometimes.

Thanks for reading! See ya! here is some info to get in contact with me later:

ICQ: 29164574
AOL Instant Messenger Screen name: HealerMDur

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Blessed be and have a good time in the Temple of Power! -Sorcerer of Light