Starhealer's Powerful Pic Gallery

This is a NEW page with all of the pics of my favorite Sailor from the Sailormoon SailorStars series, Yaten Kou,Sailor Starhealer. I have found on the net. All pics (except the pic above) can be taken for your use. Unfortunantely, because Freeservers cannot let people use pics unless it is on a page, you can't have a pic URL of mines, like These are the small editions of the Starhealer pics, click on them to get the whole image. Right click on the pic and go to "Save Image As". From there, you can upload them to your server, and can uise them everywhere.
WBS is a good spot for use of these pics. Plus, you can find me in WBS as Eternal Starhealer or as Metropolitan Durranis. So, go ahead and have fun in the pics! Oh! One more thing. if you take a pic, could you pleeeeeeease link to me by using my banner (It's on the bottom)? ^_^ Thanx! --Eternal Starhealer, Metropolitan Durranis.

Don't forget to take my banner if you take a pic! ^_^

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