Hello! Welcome to the Sailor Starlights role-play homepage! This is to talk about us who play as the Sailor Starlights in WBS's Sailor Moon Soldiers chat.

The current leader of the Sailor Starlights is Metropolitan Lumlarde Durranis, the Eternal Starhealer. Email the Leader of the Sailor Starlights at webmaster@healertemple.zzn.com. Take a pick on which Sailor Starlight you want by clicking on the image you want to see...

Sailor Star Fighter

Sailor Starmaker

Sailor Star Twin

Sailor Starhealer

Eternal Sailor Starhealer

Starlights Chat

To all of the Sailor Starlights only: This is a chatroom based on talking about private matters that happen in the Sailor Moon Soldiers chat at WBS. If you are part of the Sailor Starlights group, and you could not get into the chatroom, or don't know how to get into the chatroom, please email me, at Starlights_Leader@healertemple.zzn.com.

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