RPing as the Sailor Star Healer: Metropolitan Lumlarde Durranis, Ph.D. (Current Leader of the Sailor Starlights)
From: Detroit, Michigan (formerly from Chalmers Times, Michigan)
Age: 19
Loves: Traveling, spirituality, jazz, pizza, anime, writing, video games
Other things: Leader of the Starlights, minister, psychologist (spiritual counselor), officer, bus driver, electrician, energy master, sorcerer, Ph.D. in energy mastery.
Moves: Star Sensitive Inferno, Star Sensitive Super Inferno. There are actually many more moves, healing moves, sorcery energy moves, and moves involving firing powerful laserbeams.
Profile: Metropolitan, formerly Middlebelt, is not like other Starlights, and it is hard to cope with them being from the Moon Kingdom, and being so powerful. One, Metropolitan has NEVER been to the Moon Kingdom, so he is apart from all of the other Stars/Senshi/Scouts, in power, of course. Next, the energetic powers of Metropolitan are the only thing that keeps Metropolitan happy, and sometimes they go low too. By how many people roleplay, it is hard to have Middlebelt in there because of the fact that he cannot fight, because his energetic powers will be lost. Plus, about him being a bus driver, he cannot teleport, so he has to drive his bus everywhere to all of the places that there is trouble. Queen Serenity, Princess Fireball, and Eternal Sailor Moon, along with many others, have tried to solve this problem, but unfortunantely, nothing has been helpful. Sometimes, Metropolitan needs some cheering up some times so that he would not be so depressed, because he is the most sensitive Starlight on them. Even though he is TRULY the most powerful Starlight of them, even he says that he is not, based on prior defeats, especially looking at what happened to him after almost dying in the Twin War in Lafayette Township on 1-29-99.

Metropolitan is also known as the Eternal Sailor Starhealer, for when just the Starhealer powers are not enough! Click on the Eternal Starhealer to get to the special page of the Eternal Sailor Starhealer:

Eternal Sailor Starhealer

Email: webmaster@metropolitan.bizhosting.com or webmaster@healertemple.zzn.com
ICQ: 29164574
Homepage URL's: http://metropolitan.bizhosting.com/, http://metropolitan.bizhosting.com/~spiritualperspective/
AOL Instant Messenger: HealerMDur

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